Our ethics reflect the IEA intention and vision

Code of Ethics

The IEA Code of Ethics encompasses the bedrock values, and ethical standards expected of IEA members. All members of the IEA are bound in good faith to abide by the Code of Ethics as a condition of membership and accreditation.

The code provides an operational framework for decision-making and conducting all IEA activities and facilitate integrity, respect, equitable relationships and foster a commitment to meaningful collaboration, teamwork, and reciprocal responsibilities for all parties involved.


IEA bedrock values:


Living in harmony with nature: to neither master or subdue but to live in harmony

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Overcoming anthropocentric prejudice that humans are superior to all else: to appreciate humans are one thread amongst many in the web of life

Recognise the intrinsic value in beings other than human: to respect all forms of life


IEA ethical standards:

  • Demonstrate the highest level of professionalism, integrity and ethical conduct in a manner befitting; and acting with due care, diligence and with the IEA intention and vision in mind

  • Commit to the development of a knowledge and skill base essential for the promotion of holistic science in agriculture, and in individual lives and communities

  • Promote and represent IEA to the best of one’s capabilities

  • Support IEA by identifying opportunities and means for it to grow and evolve

  • Avoid situations that may result in a conflict of interest with IEA’s stated vision, intention and objectives

  • Cooperate with IEA members and other organisations or parties, involved in the advancement of ecological and regenerative agriculture, in a constructive, transparent and respectful manner

  • Respect the intent of the IEA Position Statement in all thought and activities

  • Acknowledge and respect the Traditional Owners and Custodians of Country